For those of you how wish to repair your damaged nib, here is the essential tool. Nibs that are bent, twisted or sprung can all be repaired on the block.
Nibs and feeds can be removed via the knockout holes. Important note, this block is only for the repair of the standard open nib, not cone and circular nibs.Sheaffer triumphs, parker "51" or similar type nibs. Block has 8 assorted size holes to enable the nib and feed to be removed from the section. Ranging from 4.6 mm - 11.50 mm. 2 diminishing curves 1 concave 1 convex.
3 different diameter knockout rods. 3.3 mm, 4.7 mm, and 6.3 mm in length. All rods are 3 3/4 inches in length (9.5cm). Some nibs are screw in and come within there own sleeves. It is not advisable to try and remove these nibs from their sections and sleeves. With this type of nib removal knock out tool. Heavy block weighs 500 grams total weight packed of kit 1800grams. This block is manufactured from a metal compound giving a hard and smooth surface to work on. The block comes with 4 assorted burnisher tools to work with on your nibs. 3 knockout rods, and hammer. Each of the standard burnishers are 18cm in length. The roller burnisher is 16cm in length. Each end on the standard burnisher can be used.The block has both concave and convex curves for working the underside and top faces of the nib. The top of the convex curve is straight and level as is the bottom of the concave curve. The available area on both surfaces will enable nibs of all sizes to be worked on.
Be aware that over burnishing will result in the metal of the nib hardening and may even become brittle and crack. Alway make sure that the block is firm to your work surface to prevent slipping while working.
Resting against a stop bar, or on a non slip surface. Make sure that the burnishing tools do not come into contact or slide on the block when working.
This may result in changing the profile of your nib. Remember, don't just jump in and start repairing your solid gold vintage nib, practice first with an old nib. The amount of pressure used to achieve the finished result, will vary depending on the type, material and size of the nib. It will take time and effort to repair a nib, practice and patience is essential in achieving the end result.
This item is made of metal alloy.